Is there a link between the gene polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor [rs731236, rs1544410 and rs7975232] with overweight and abdominal obesity?
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Katedra i Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Diabetologii i Nefrologii, Wydział Lekarski z Oddziałem Lekarsko-Dentystycznym w Zabrzu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowiach
Corresponding author
Wladyslaw Jan Grzeszczak   

Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny, 3-Maja 13/15, 41-800 Zabrze, Polska
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2017;71:25-31
Among the most common causes of overweight and abdominal abdominal obesity, environmental factors and genetic factors are mentioned. The role of the genetic factors involved in the pathogenesis of abdominal obesity have been described in different populations. Among the many gene polymorphisms, one should consider vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms (VDR).

The aim of the study was to find the relationship between the selected VDR gene polymorphisms [rs731236, rs1544410 and rs7975232], and the prevalence of overweight and abdominal obesity among consecutive patients visiting a primary care unit.

Material and methods::
The study involved 495 consecutive patients. In the experiment group, lipid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism disorders as well as blood pressure, and the VDR gene polymorphisms [rs731236, rs1544410 and rs7975232] were identified.

After the study we drew up the following summary: 1) > 60% of people visiting a primary care unit are overweight or obese; 2) in subjects overweight and with abdominal obesity, metabolic disturbances were observed; 3) there was no statistically significant relationship between the VDR polymorphisms studied and the presence of overweight and abdominal obesity; 4) a statistically significant relationship between the presence of the G allele polymorphism rs731236 VDR gene and. overweight/abdominal obesity may suggest the role of this polymorphism in the pathogenesis of overweight/abdominal obesity.

The importance of the studied VDR gene polymorphisms [rs731236, rs1544410 and rs7975232] in the pathogenesis of the development of overweight/ abdominal obesity in the study group is small. The presence of the G allele polymorphism rs731236 VDR gene in the pathogenesis of overweight/obesity seems to have a little significance.
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