The assessment of compliance with feeding schedule of introducing particular products into infant diet, including mothers' age, education and place of residence
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Instytut Dietetyki, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie
Corresponding author
Ewa Malczyk   

Instytut Dietetyki, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nysie, ul. Armii Krajowej 7, 48-300 Nysa, tel. +48 609 145 308
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2015;69:150-157
Infancy is the time lasting until completion of the first year of life. It is the most dynamic phase of mental and physical development of the child. One of the most important factors affecting the quality of this development is proper nutrition. The World Health Organization defines breastfeeding as the best and most appropriate way to feed infants in the first half – year of life . After this time, the child's diet should be expanded with complementary foods. In Poland in 2007, an infant feeding schedule was introduced, which takes into account the method of feeding as well as the time to introduce and type of additional products into the diet. The aim of the study was to assess compliance to the feeding schedule of introducing particular products into the infant diet, taking into consideration mothers' age, education and place of residence.

Materials and methods:
A survey was conducted among 283 women, mothers of children 13 to 24 months old, with the aid of the authors' own questionnaire concerning the realization of infant nutrition principles and subjective evaluation of the implementation of these recommendations.

The conformity to the feeding schedule of introducing particular products into the diet of infants, regardless of their mothers' age, education and place of residence, was on a low level. Dairy products and sweet snacks were introduced by the polled women into the child's diet at the wrong month of their life. In addition, the respondents did not complement the infants’ diet with vitamin K at the recommended period of their life, i.e. from 2 weeks to the end of 3 months of age. In relation to the feeding schedule, the women better assessed their conformity of introducing particular products into the diet of infants, than it appeared from the survey.

Due to the low assessment of compliance to the feeding schedule of introducing particular products into the diet of infants, systematic education of mothers in this range is necessary.
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