Prevalence and variety of sutural bones in densely populated East Indian state of Bihar
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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar, India
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi, India
Corresponding author
Ravi Kant Narayan   

Senior resident, Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar 801507, India
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2019;73:174-181
Sutural bones or intersutural bones commonly known as Wormian bones are extra bone pieces that occur commonly within the sutures or at the fontanelles of the cranium.

Material and methods:
The present study was conducted at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna. Thirty complete, dry adult human skulls were studied and examined for the presence or absence of sutural bones. Their number and the location along the cranial sutures and at the fontanelles were noted. To take cranial measurements for the cranial index, the skulls were oriented on a Frankfurt plane.

The most common site where sutural bones were observed was at the lambdoid suture with the incidence of 61.2% of the sutural bones, while the second most common site was at the coronal sutures with 10.6% of the total sutural bones found. The dominant shape of the head in the present study population was dolichocephalic, observed in 46.6%. The mean number of sutural bones was found to be highest in the most common skull type (dolichocephalic) with values of 5.43 ± 5.1.

Though the current study reports fewer sutural bones than in previous literature, given the high population density of the East Indian states, these presented mean values require special attention.
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