Independent nursing consultations are a desirable component of healthcare
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University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland
Corresponding author
Danuta Abram   

Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie, ul. Ujejskiego 12, 48-300 Nysa
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2024;78:17-23
The author of the paper presents the argument that the widespread implementation of a new healthcare service called “independent nursing consultation” will not only improve the functioning of the healthcare system, but also enhance the quality of medical services. Implementing this new service requires modifying the traditional way of organizing healthcare, which assumes that the involvement of a doctor is necessary in every case, limiting the possibilities of promptly initiating and managing treatment. By advocating the broad implementation of nursing consultations, the author first reviews the training of nurses in Poland and two other countries. Then she attempts to identify the areas of healthcare where providing nursing consultations is highly justified and beneficial. The procedure for independent nursing consultations is illustrated through the example of the activity of a large medical company, such as LUX MED Medical Center. The methods of ensuring the appropriate quality of the provided nursing consultations – by the exemplary institution – are also described. The paper justifies why the extensive introduction of nursing consultations will increase access to healthcare services, improve their quality, and have a positive impact on the size and development of the nursing workforce.
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