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Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Faculty of Health Science
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Janusz Kocjan   

Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Faculty of Health Science, Legionów Polskich 36/23, 32-300 Olkusz, Polska
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2014;68
According to salutogenic model of health, the global orientation of life (SOC): coherence of comprehensibility, meaningfulness and manageability allows to balance needs and resources of body in the confrontation with stressors. Sense of coherence may be a key factor in the prevention of civilization diseases, including cardiac diseases. The aim of the study was assess of sense of coherence in cardiac patients. Examine also dependence between selected variables: age and level of anxiety and depression with sense of coherence and his components.

Materials and methods:
115 patients were examined: 50 females (age: x = 63,46 ± 11,19 years) i 65 males (age: x = 64,65 ± 10,59). Questionnaires: Sense of Coherence (SOC-29) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HADS) were used. Questionnaires were supplemented by author metrics. Statistical analysis included perform descriptive statistics (mean, SD), calculate Spearman's rank correlation and level of differences (ANOVA).

Patients presented reduced level of sense of coherence in general, as well as in all components. In men, a weak, negative correlations between age with sense of manageability and sense of meaningfulness were noted, as well as strong, negative correlation between depression and all components of SOC. In case of females, correlations were weaker, but statistically significant. Cardiosurgery interventions do not determine the sense of coherence, both in case of females and men.

1. Reduced level of sense of coherence may predispose to cardiac diseases and contribute to failure of healthy treatment. 2 Presence of concomitant diseases is associated with low sense of coherence, both in females and males
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