Social and economic determinants of life expectancy in Poland
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Collegium Medicum UMK
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Błażej Łyszczarz   

Collegium Medicum UMK, ul. Sandomierska 16, 85-830 Bydgoszcz, Polska
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2014;68
The dynamics of social, environmental and economic factors that we are facing presently leads to a situation in which the question of real impact of these factors on population health status remains unanswered.

Materials and methods:
The aggregated data from 66 subregions of Poland (for the year 2010) was used. The measures of male and female life expectancy at ages 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 65 were used. The impact of following factors on life expectancy was investigated: health care, remunerations, education investments, accessibility of sewage systems, divorce rate, air pollution. The health production function was the basis for the empirical analysis and regression analysis was used in estimating 12 models.

(1) the factor influencing life expectancy of both genders most intensively is investment in education; (2) the importance of health care for life expectancy is significant for females at almost every age, while it is significant only for older males; (3) female life expectancy is not affected by the remuneration level, while it is important for male life expectancy; (4) the impact of divorces is much more significant for males as compared to females.

(1) the factors affecting life expectancy depend of age and gender; (2) the actions targeted to increase life expectancy should involve - apart from health policy - also other actions of income, environmental and education policies.
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