Awareness of the health risk resulting from the usage of unsafe toys by children in the population of young mothers
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Absolwentki Wydziału Zdrowia Publicznego SUM w Katowicach
Zakład Zdrowia Środowiskowego, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego SUM w Katowicach
Corresponding author
Grzegorz Dziubanek   

Zakład Zdrowia Środowiskowego, Wydział, Zdrowia Publicznego SUM w Katowicach, 41-902 Bytom, ul. Piekarska 18, tel.(32) 397 65 29, fax (32) 397 65 42
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009;63:40-47
In recent years, toys have become the products most often classifi ed as hazardous products. They are a cause of physical injuries and they are posing a serious risk of chemical poisoning.

The aim:
The aim of this study was to investigate young mother’s awareness about the health risk associated with using toys by children, which do not meet quality standards. Women’s knowledge about the meaning of the trademarks certifying the safety of toys and knowledge about agencies which supervise the safety of toys in Poland was also examined.

Material and Methods:
The questionnaire survey by the author’s questionnaire, containing 19 questions, closed and open was conducted. The study involved 143 mothers of children attending kindergartens and early grades of primary schools in Zabrze in 2009. The study involved also young mothers who filled out the questionnaire over the internet.

Young mother’s awareness about harmful chemicals potentially occurring in toys is very weak. More than half of the questioned women couldn’t identify any chemical compound, which poses a health risk. Almost all interviewed women are not aware of the link between exposure to xenobiotics potentially contained in toys and hormonal disorders and development disorders, both physical and mental. Women’s knowledge about agencies which supervise the safety of toys in Poland is also unsatisfactory. It was proven that there is a significant link between age, education level and the level of health risk perception, associated with the usage of unsafe toys and knowledge about agencies which supervise the safety of products available on local market.

There is a need of taking action for raising the society’s awareness in the safety of toys.
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