Gait of people with low back pain
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Katedra Fizjoterapii SUM w Katowicach
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Krzysztof Bąk   

Katedra i Zakład Fizjoterapii, 40-752 Katowice-Ligota, ul. Medyków 12; tel/fax (32)208 87 12
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009;63:56-64
Sedentary style of life characteristic of present civilization causes the low back pain development at many people. The pain can become the reason of habitual incorrect motor pattern. The aim of this study was an assessment of gait of low back pain suff erers and healthy people.

Material and Methods:
92 adults (64 with above mentioned ailments and 28 healthy people) was tested. They estimated their noticeable pain and 3 D gait analysis test, on moving track with ZEBRIS Co. ultrasonic measurement system, was applied on them. The pelvic movement symmetry, step length, stance phase time and double support time was analyzed.

Gait asymmetry regarding especially pelvis movement in transversal plane has been observed at both low back pain patients and healthy persons. Pelvis rotation and double support asymmetry was greater at the pain sufferers. Correlation between pain feeling and gait asymmetry degree has not been observed.

At the essential group as well as at the control one little gait asymmetry occurred. Its greater level at the essential group was not directly connected with pain intensity.
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