Comparison of recovery time in a cold provocation test performed by two methods in subjects with acrohomoiothermic regulation of the peripheral circulation
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Zakład Ochrony Zdrowia w Środowisku Pracy, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego, SUM w Katowicach
Corresponding author
Barbara Harazin   

Zakład Ochrony Zdrowia w Środowisku Pracy, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach, 40-752 Katowice, ul. Medyków 18, tel. (32) 208 87 43
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009;63:50-55
A quantitative evaluation of vascular response to cold provocation is determined by measurements of the finger skin temperature. In the study two methods of cold exposure were used to assess the eff ect of water temperature and immersion duration on recovery time in subjects with the homoiothermic regulation.

Material and Methods:
In the study two cold provocation tests were performed. One test consisted of a 10-min immersion of the both hands in cold water at 14 °C (Polish requirements) and the second one adequately, of a 5-min immersion in cold water at 12 °C (ISO 14835-1:2004 standard). Twenty young (22-24 years) and health subjects took part in each test. Finger skin temperature was measured on all fingers of both hands before and after immersion.

The mean recovery time of the cold provocation test was not statistically significant in the group examined by ISO 14835-1:2004 standard requirements in comparison with the group examined by the method used in Poland.

Immersion parameters used in the cold provocation test performed in acrohomoiothermics do not have a significant effect on recovery time.
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