The evaluation of patients satisfaction with nursery care in Medical Care Centre in Jaroslaw
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Zakład Nauk o Zdrowiu, Instytut Ochrony Zdrowia. Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. ks. Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu
Corresponding author
Magdalena Kozimala   

Zakład Nauk o Zdrowiu Instytut Ochrony Zdrowia Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. ks. Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu 37-500 Jarosław, ul. Czarnieckiego 16, tel. (+48 16) 624 46 03, tel. kom. 784 750 664
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009;63:20-27
The aim of research was determining the evaluation of nursery care according to patients and the impact of age, sex and education on these opinions.

Material and method::
The research was made among 100 patients in Medical Care Centra in Jarosław in non-surgery section in 2007/2008. For the research it was used satisfaction scale from the following nursery: The Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale.

1. General evaluation of the patients’ experience and satisfaction from nursery care in an analysed care center is very high. (suitably 76,8%, 87,3%) 2. Social-demographic factors such as: age, sex, the level of education among the patients don’t generally influence the patients’ satisfaction.

The researches of the level of the patients’ satisfaction during their stay in the hospital have a very important sense. Systematic researches and their precise analysis made in a very short time are the key to a real success. On the basis of conducted researches it has been noticed that the patients highly evaluate nursery care. It seems necessary to improve only researching tools.
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