Porównanie współczynnika dyfuzji translacyjnej dla albumin surowicy kilku ssaków
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Department of Biophysics, Medical University of Silesia
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Karol Monkos   

Katedra i Zakład Biofizyki Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny, ul. H. Jordana 19, 41-808 Zabrze 8, tel. +48 32 272 20 41/236, fax +48 32 272 01 42
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2010;64:43-53
The aim of the present paper is investigation of the volume fraction dependence of the translational diffusion coefficient for some mammalian serum albumins in aqueous solutions.

Material and Methods:
The viscosity of bovine, equine, ovine and rabbit serum albumin aqueous solutions was measured at temperatures ranging from 5oC to 45oC and in a wide range of concentrations. The measurements were performed with an Ubbelohde-type capillary microviscometer.

Translational diffusion coefficient at infinitely dilute solutions Do(T) can be calculated from generalized Stokes-Einstein equation if the hydrodynamic radius of albumin is known. It gives Do(T) in the range from 3.5×10-11 m2 /s (at 5oC) to 10.2 10-11 m2 /s (at 45oC) for bovine serum albumin, from 3.59×10-11 m2 /s (at 5oC) to 10.4 10-11 m2 /s (at 45oC) for equine serum albumin, from 3.42×10-11 m2 /s (at 5oC) to 9.92×10-11 m2 /s (at 45oC) for ovine serum albumin, and from 3.36×10-11 m2 /s (at 5oC) to 9.74×10-11 m2 /s (at 45oC) for rabbit serum albumin. Translational diffusion coefficient for higher concentrations D(T,φ) can be obtained from the relation: D(T,φ) = Do(T)Ηo(T)/Η(T,φ), where φ denotes volume fraction and Ηo(T) and Η(T,φ) are viscosities of water and solution, respectively, at temperature T.

The obtained results show that the translational diffusion coefficient decreases linearly with increasing volume fraction, when φ does not exceed the value of about 0.1. The dependence of the translational diffusion coefficient on volume fraction in a broader range of φ, i.e. from dilute to concentrated solutions, is nonlinear and can be described by a stretched exponential function.
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