The influence of Vojta reflex turning phase 1 on cervical range of motion in infants
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Zakład Dydaktyki Pediatrycznej i Immunologii Wieku Rozwojowego, Wydział Wojskowo-Lekarski Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Corresponding author
Agata Pyda-Dulewicz   

Zakład Dydaktyki Pediatrycznej Wydział Wojskowo-Lekarski Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, ul. Rzgowska 281/289, 93-338 Łódź, tel. +48 510 540 417
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2015;69:111-117
The therapeutic concept by Vojta is still one of the most controversial in modern methods of rehabilitation of neurodevelopmental infants, and the only one that allows for such broad diagnosis and treatment. The basic idea of the method is to assess the movement patterns present in infants and to introduce a therapeutic concept based on the patterns of reflex locomotion.

The main objective of my work was to show the impact of reflex turning phase 1 on the cervical of motion in infants, and thus correct positioning of the head and shoulders. The study also had to answer the question whether therapy according to the Vojta concept of isolation has an impact on the isolation and symmetry of the head.

Materials and methods:
The clinical material for the study was 64 infants directed for treatment by a neurodevelopmental specialist. The children were divided into two groups: Group I – infants on whom Vojta including reflex turning phase 1 were carried out and Group II – including children on whom NDT-Bobath Baby was run. All the material was assessed by conducting two interviews and a double infant study and analysis of the results was performed using statistical analysis.

For significant results, test probability was adopted at the level of p < 0.05 and for highly significant results, test probability was adopted at the level of p < 0.01. The results confirmed the initial assumptions concerning the regularity of Vojta method exercises and obtaining the correct settings for infants and physiological range of motion in the cervical spine.

A highly significant correlation between regularity and continuity of child care and its effects was shown. The results of the studies showed that reflex turning phase 1 according to the Vojta reflex has an impact on improving the quality of sucking in infants and symmetrical positioning of the head. The results prove the positive effect of therapy on the symmetry of the rotation of the head in infants.
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