Allergy and Oxidative Stress
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Katedra i Zakład Mikrobiologii i Immunologii, Wydział Lekarski z Oddziałem Lekarsko-Dentystycznym w Zabrzu Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
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Magdalena Anna Twardoch   

Katedra i Zakład Mikrobiologii i Immunologii, Wydział Lekarski z Oddziałem Lekarsko-Dentystycznym w Zabrzu Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach, ul. tel. +48 32 272 25 54, +48 32 272 20 41
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2016;70:15-23
Oxygen is a biogenic element which determines the course of basic biochemical processes to ensure the survival of the cell. Unfortunately, in particular circumstances, the highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) may cause a toxic effect on the body. Small amounts of ROS are essential for the proper functioning of cells, however, the excessive production of them, which transcend the effectiveness of antioxidant systems – defined as oxidative stress – promotes structural and functional disorders of cells and tissues. Nowadays, the significant participation of oxidative stress is increasingly more frequently indicated in the course and/or etiology of chronic inflammatory diseases, which include atopic diseases such as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, or allergic rhinitis.
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