12-month assessment of increase in total kidney volume in children and young adults with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease – a pilot study
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Klinika Pediatrii, Immunologii i Nefrologii, Instytut Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki, Łódź
Zakład Diagnostyki Obrazowej, Instytut Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki, Łodź
Instytut Informatyki, Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź
Klinika Kardiologii, Instytut Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki, Łódź
Studenckie Koło Naukowe przy Klinice Pediatrii, Kardiologii Prewencyjnej i Immunologii Wieku Rozwojowego, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Zakład Dydaktyki Pediatrycznej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Corresponding author
Monika Pawlak-Bratkowska   

Klinika Pediatrii, Immunologii i Nefrologii, Instytut Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki, ul. Rzgowska 281/289, 93-338 Łódź
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2017;71:109-115
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common type of monogenic kidney disease. It is the cause of ESRD in 5–10% of adult patients who undergo renal replacement therapy. Owing to the increasing use of ultrasonography, occurrence of the disease has been observed among children.

Material and methods:
The research group consisted of 19 patients with normal kidney function (12 girls and 7 boys aged 1.8–18.8 at the moment of examination) who suffered from ADPKD. 15 patients met the ultrasonographic criteria of the diagnosis. Although the remaining 4 patients did not meet the criteria, they had a strong family history of ADPKD and underwent USG which revealed at least 2 cysts. For each patient, the Total Kidney Volume (TKV), defined as the sum volume of both kidneys, was juxtaposed with BSA. The children underwent the examination approximately every 12 months.

The members of the research group manifested a statistically significant annual increase in TKV (in 2015, 296.71 ± 178.67 cm3 versus 350.38 ± 195.86 cm3 in 2016, p = 0.019), as well as TKV in relation to body surface (in 2015, 191.23 ± 86.29 cm3/m2 versus 221.15 ± 96.99 cm3/m2 in 2016, p = 0.037). There were no apparent differences in the rate of total TKV increase which would depend either on the patient's gender (girls 32.45 ± 51.88 cm3/m2/year versus boys 25.56 ± 71.00 cm3/m2/year, p = 0.81), or on the number of renal cysts revealed by USG (< 5 cysts 30.77 ± 61.6 cm3/m2/year versus ≥ 5 cysts 29.41 ± 58.22 cm3/m2/year, p = 0.96).

In children and young adults with ADPKD, the increase in total kidney volume (in relation to BSA) can be observed after a 12-month observation.
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