Rs2058539 and rs10953505 visfatin gene polymorphisms their plasma concentrations and occurrence of overweight and obesity among patients reporting to primary healthcare clinic
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Katedra i Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Diabetologii i Nefrologii Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Corresponding author
Władysław Grzeszczak   

Katedra i Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Diabetologii i Nefrologii Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach, 41-800 Zabrze, ul. 3. Maja 13-15
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2015;69:184-190
Visfatin is a newly discovered adipocytokine displaying insulino-mimetic properties. The role of the investigated polymorphisms in visfatin coding genes and their blood plasma levels in the development of increased body mass remains controversial.

The aim of the study is to assess a potential correlation between selected visfatin gene polymorphisms, their plasma concentration, and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in patients reporting to a primary healthcare clinic.

Materials and methods:
The study included 476 adult patients from southern regions of Poland reporting to a primary healthcare clinic. The subjects were divided into 3 groups based on the value of waist circumference. The genotyping of visfatin gene polymorphisms (rs2058539 and rs10953505) was conducted with fluorescently marked probes by using predesigned single nucleotide polymorphisms assessment sets – TaqMan Pre-designed SNP Genotyping Assay (Applied Biosystems). The visfatin plasma levels were established using the ELISA method.

The study showed no correlation between visfatin plasma concentration and the examined gene polymorphisms. A statistically relevant difference in the occurrence of the rs2058539 polymorphism in obese persons in contrast to those with normal waist girth, was initially noted. An “A” allele of the rs2058539 polymorphism was significantly more often present in obese patients.

Based on the carried-out research, it can be concluded that the rs2058539 polymorphism of the visfatin gene can take part in the pathogenesis of excessive body weight increase. There is no correlation between the studied polymorphisms and visfatin plasma concentration.
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