The intensity of negative emotions in pregnant women during hospitalization
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Zakład Położnictwa, Ginekologii i Pielęgniarstwa Położniczo-Ginekologicznego, Wydział Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Międzynarodowe Naukowe Towarzystwo Wspierania i Rozwoju Technologii Medycznych
Zakład Psychologii Stosowanej, II Wydział Lekarski z Oddziałem Anglojęzycznym, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Corresponding author
Magdalena Lewicka   

Zakład Położnictwa, Ginekologii i Pielęgniarstwa Położniczo-Ginekologicznego, Wydział Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, ul. Chodźki 6, 20-093 Lublin, tel. 81 718 75 11
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2015;69:177-183
The presence of anxiety and depression among women with an uncomplicated pregnancy is due to a change in three areas: biological, psychological and social. Complications during pregnancy and the need for hospitalization further enhance the intensification of negative emotions in pregnant women. It is important during hospitalization to identify patients who display symptoms of anxiety, stress or depression, as well as indicate factors that may influence the occurrence of negative emotions.

Materials and methods:
The study analyzing the severity of negative emotions was conducted among 305 hospitalized pregnant women. The research tools were a self-developed questionnaire to assess the characteristics of the studied pregnant women as well as the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). The results were statistically analyzed.

The average value of the stress level in the group according to DASS was 12.15 ± 8.15 points. In turn, depression was 6.63 ± 6.62 points, while for anxiety it was – 8.54 ± 6.26 points. There was no significant statistical relationship between the intensity of stress and depression and the obstetric situation under study.

In the study group, no patients suffered from a major depressive disorder, whereas it was found that the pregnant hospitalized women experienced mild anxiety. The obstetric situation does not determine the severity of negative emotions among patients with a high risk pregnancy. Only the fact of planning to become pregnant, or not, has a significant impact on the severity of anxiety. Women whose pregnancy was unplanned have significantly higher levels of anxiety than those whose was planned. Medical personnel should identify during hospitalization patients who have high levels of anxiety in order to implement prophylactic measures. Showing patients care and providing support, especially emotional, can lead to minimizing any negative emotions and increase the effectiveness of treatment.
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