The cognisance of viral hepatitis among patients and medical staff
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Zakład Podstawowych Nauk Medycznych Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego SUM w Katowicach
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Bartosz Wanot   

43-200 Pszczyna, ul. Granitowa 11; tel. 501 779 521
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009;63:17-26
The cognisance of viral hepatitis is bound to have vast social, both health and legal, ramifi cations. The broadly implied medical staff , as well as the health service patients should constitute the groups most interested in this issue.

Aims and methods:
Bearing in mind the benefits resulting from the cognisance of this problem, an opinion poll has been held. Its aim was to obtain answers, from both of the above mentioned groups, to several vital questions concerning viral hepatitis. The questions served to assess the level of knowledge of viral hepatitis, they also related to broadening this cognisance by participating in supplementary courses and training. Another aim of the opinion poll was to verify whether the knowledge of viral hepatitis is dependent on such factors as age, education, type of work, prior contact with the illness in question or the type of ward where the respondents work or stay.

Following results have been obtained: a) insuffi cient level of knowledge was shown by 122 (30,9%) persons in which there were 117 (65,7%) patients and 4 (1,8%) members of personnel b) suffi cient level of knowledge was shown by 92 (23,3%) persons in which there were 54 (30,3%) patients and 38 (17,5%) members of personnel c) good level of knowledge was shown by 71 (18%) persons in which there were 6 (3,4%) patients and 65 (30%) members of personnel d) very good level of knowledge was shown by 111 (28,1%) persons in which there were 1 (0,6%) patient and 110 (50,7%) members of personnel

The results indicate that the knowledge of viral hepatitis among medical staff is broad and continously updated. The knowledge of patients is, on the contrary, insufficient. Moreover, patients do not seek additional information on this subject. A relationship between knowledge of viral hepatitis, the type of ward where patients stay and their education has been established and demonstrated.
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