Incidence of non-hereditary amyloidosis in Poland
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Department of Internal Medicine, Diabetology and Nephrology, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Internal Diseaes, Endocrinology and Nephrology, Central Clinical Hospital MSWiA, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Paediatrics, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Research and Development and Innovative Medicine for Metabolic Diseases, Diabetica Clinic, Nysa, Poland
Department of Analysis and Strategies, Ministry of Health, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Social Insurance, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Władysław Grzeszczak   

Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Diabetologii i Nefrologii, Wydział Nauk Medycznych w Zabrzu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach, ul. 3 Maja 13, 41-800 Zabrze
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2021;75:99-106
In the present study we report on the incidence of non-hereditary amyloidosis based on data from public health services in Poland, covering both inpatients and outpatients. Data are given by amyloidosis subtypes between 2013 through 2015.

Material and methods:
Amyloidosis patients were identified from the National Health Fund database. In order to ensure that the reported incidence data included only new patients, persons previously entered in the register with an amyloidosis diagnosis were excluded. Children and adults (males and females) were included in the study. The geographic region of residence was divided into six regions. People with a comparable genome live in all regions of Poland.

In the years 2013 to 2015 a total of 287 patients with amyloidosis were identified, giving an incidence of 2.49 per million person-years. Unspecified amyloidosis was the largest disease category with 169 patients (1.46 per million person-years), and organ-limited amyloidosis – 60 patients (0.52 per million person-years) – was the second most frequent. Men had a somewhat higher incidence than women in each of the analysed disorders. There was no statistically significant difference between the recorded incidence in the analysed regions. There are no significant differences between men and women with senile amyloidosis.

The incidence of amyloidosis in Poland is about 2.49 per million person-years, with a slightly higher risk in men than in women. The patients most often suffered from amyloidosis due to an undetermined cause unrelated to heredity. Organ-limited amyloidosis was second in terms of incidence. There were no statistically significant differences between the registered incidence of amyloidosis in the individual analysed regions of Poland. There were no significant differences between men and women with senile amyloidosis.
This work was executed under the project “Map of health needs – database of systemic and implementation analyses” co-funded by the European Union Social Fund from the Operational Program for the development of knowledge education.
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