Emotional attitude towards one’s own body in overweight women
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Zakład Psychologii SUM w Katowicach
Poradnia Leczenia Chorób Metabolicznych w Katowicach
Corresponding author
Monika Bąk-Sosnowska   

Zakład Psychologii SUM, 40-752 Katowice, ul. Medyków 12; tel.: 601 26 55 02
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009;63:38-47
The aim was to diagnosis of the emotional state of the participants and to compare the separated aspects of body image in the range of an emotional attitude towards body.

The participants were 150 overweight women. The Emotional State Questionnaire and the body satisfaction scale were used.

A slightly higher level of danger (18,13 ± 6,015) and an average level of advantage (16,45± 5,299), harm (12,66± 4,967) and challenge (12,41± 3,758) was observed. The satisfaction from one’s body in the imaginable aspect was more positive than in the declarative aspect (Z=9,460; p<0,001), the sensory aspect (Z=9,345; p<0,001), and the perceived aspect (Z=9,455; p<0,001).

The satisfaction from one’s body was the most positive in the imaginable aspect, afterwards in the sensory aspect, the declarative aspect and the perceived aspect. The emotions of advantage and challenge positively correlated with body satisfaction in the aspects: declarative, sensory and perceived.
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