The Assesment of Workstations of Secondary School Pupils
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Katedra i Zakład Fizjoterapii Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
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Aleksandra Rudzińska   

Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny Katedra i Zakład Fizjoterapii ul. Medyków 12 Katowice
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2010;64:29-34
Ergonomy, as a science about human work assumes creation of optima working conditions – in case of a pupil learning. Unfortunately, in Poland things are often diff erent. In many cases the pupil is confronted with specifi c conditions which force him to accommodate. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the quality of workstations of the secondary school pupils both, at school and home.

Material and Methods:
The research was conducted among 240 pupils of the three secondary schools of the Silesian region where the vast majority were right-handed. Evaluating the workstations of the schools there were 8 randomly picked classrooms where checks were done to following aspects: the area per person, the way of attachment of chairs and tables their sizing to their corresponding users, according to the Polish Standard. The same criteria were applied to the places of work at home, including the computer stand. Additionally, the daylight conditions were examined.

The results obtained were far from satisfying. It was found out that only 9,2% oh the examined at both locations (school and home) had appropriate furniture for learning. This situation was even worse when the lightening was taken into consideration – reducing the properly designed workstations to 5,8%.

The authors suggest that significant factor of such a situation is the lack of knowledge of workstation ergonomy for the pupils (or paying attention) among both the adults (teachers and parents) and pupils themselves. It is recommended to undertake the appropriate measures to improve this state of affairs.
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