Salubrious behaviour of the secondary schools’ adolescents on example of city and country communities Part I. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol
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Zakład Żywienia Człowieka, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Corresponding author
Elżbieta Szczepańska   

Zakład Żywienia Człowieka, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach, 41-902 Bytom, ul. Piekarska 18 tel. służbowy: 32 397 65 22
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2010;64:35-47
Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to threats and temptations arising from the surrounding world. Lack of perspectives for the utilization of free-of-school time may result in many negative behaviors, like smoking and alcoholism. The aim of the study was an analysis of selected salubrious behaviour of the secondary schools’ pupils, identifi cation of the diff erences in occurrence of this behavior between the adolescents from the city and the country and estimation which sociological factors infl uenced the occurrence of the analysed behavior

Material and Methods:
The research tool was an author questionnaire conducted among 167 pupils of the secondary schools in Tarnowskie Góry and Boronów. Part I included questions referring to socio-economic status, the next parts referred to the occurrence of smoking and drinking alcohol.

The problem of smoking concerns 30% of the surveyed adolescents. In the city the percentage was 31 including more boys than girls, whereas in the country smoke 10% of the tested including more girls. 30% of the examined adolescents admitted to drinking alcohol. Alcohol had been drunk by more pupils from the city (28%) than from the country (14%). More boys drank alcohol in the city milieu whereas the comparable percent of boys and girls in the country.

Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol was the common phenomenon in the milieu of the tested secondary schools’ adolescents. Differences had been discovered in the frequency of occurrence of that behaviour between the pupils living in the city and in the country. The factor significantly determining the occurrence of the discussed behaviour was the family structure.
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