The role of interleukin-5 and eotaxin-2 in the creation of eosilophilic infiltrations in nasal polyps tissue
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Centrum Pediatrii im. Jana Pawła II w Sosnowcu
Katedra i Kliniczny Oddział Laryngologii w Zabrzu SUM w Katowicach
SP Szpital Miejski, Oddział Otolaryngologii w Sosnowcu
Corresponding author
Jadwiga Iwańska   

Centrum Pediatrii im. Jana Pawła II, 41-200 Sosnowiec ul. G. Zapolskiej 3; tel. (32) 720 77 00, fax (32) 266 36 30
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009;63:69-74
The paper presents the problem of etiopathogenesis of nasal polyps, presentation the role of eosinophilic infiltration in nasal polyps genesis as well as description of the current partition of them. The paper also presents the discussion on the role of polyps’ factor creation, which causes the increase of inflammatory cells proliferation – interleukin-5 as well as stimulation of their chemotaxis–eotaxin-2.
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