Up to the ’70 one noticed mainly positive influence of solar radiation,
and its component UV radiation. Only in next decade solar radiation was recognized as a main cause of many pathological skin changes, herein malicious tumor. At the same time there was a belief that using sun bathing beds is safe in relation to solar radiation. Nowadays in many countries it is recommended to popularize knowledge about the dangers of solariums, especially among youth. United States and Germany implemented restrictions forbidding under aged using sun
beds without parental consent. Great Britain or Sweden are planning similar restrictions. Due to the latest scientific research published by the Lancet Oncology, starting using solarium sun bathing under 30 increases the skin cancer probability up to 70%. It was also proved that every solar radiation is carcinogenic, even though previously only UV-UVB was thought as carcinogenic.
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Schneider S., Zimmermann S., Diehl K., Breitbart E.W., Greinert R. Sunbed use in German adults: Risk awareness does not correlate with behaviour. Acta Derm Venereol 2009; 89: 470-475.
Amir Z., Wright A., Kernohan E., Hart G. Attitudes, beliefs and behaviour regarding the use of sunbeds amongst healthcare workers in Bradford. Eur J Cancer Care 2000; 9: 76-79.
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