Urodynamic findings in squamous metaplasia of bladder mucosa and cystitis cystica in children
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Klinika Nefrologii Dziecięcej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Corresponding author
Karolina Kalicka   

Klinika Nefrologii Dziecięcej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, ul. Puławska 18/154, 20-046 Lublin
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2017;71:393-398
Dysfunction of the lower urinary tract besides recurrent urinary tract infections, is one of two integral elements of chronic cystitis in children. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of urodynamic findings in the decision to perform cystoscopy and to exclude squamous metaplasia of the bladder or cystitis cystica (CC).

Material and methods:
In a retrospective study, the urodynamic findings of 12 girls with squamous metaplasia or cystitis cystica, were reviewed.

Among the examined girls, cystoscopy revealed metaplasia, metaplasia with CC and CC in 1, 3 and 6 cases, respectively. Non-characteristic results with congestion of the trigonum were found in 2 cases. The urodynamic findings were diverse and not pathognomonic. In the initial period, the girls with metaplasia showed a broad spectrum of abnormalities – from hypotonicity of the detrussor to very strong detrussor contraction during micturition. Overactivity of the detrussor was found in 70% of the examined girls. The initial urodynamic findings, compared to the results obtained after a few years of observation, evolved toward diminishing of detrussor overactivity during the filling phase and detrussor contractility during micturition, especially in the group with CC. In the final period of observation after the treatment of metaplasia or CC, improvement of the flow curves in 6 cases (in 2 with metaplasia and in 4 with CC) was observed.

The clinical course is essential in making the decision to perform cystoscopy in children with lower urinary tract symptoms and recurrent urinary tract infections. Based on the examined group, the evolution of the urodynamic findings in follow-up, toward diminishing of detrussor contractility, may confirm the decision.
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